
New Publication: Review Article in Current Opinion in Psychiatry

We published a new article together with colleagues from the environMental project on the topic of interactions between environment, brain and mental health. In this review article, we delve into recent technological and methodological development in mental health assessments, neuroimaging and environmental sensing. The paper provides an overview of recent research efforts around the world using modern approaches to investigate how to integrate these new technologies into research to find out more about the axis between mental health, brain, and environments.

We show existing opportunities and challenges and discussing the feasibility of "real-life" approaches for mental health and brain research and their potential to identify relationships along the mental health-environment-brain axis informs strategies for real-life individual and dynamic assessments.

Read more here in Current Opinion in Psychiatry.

Neue Publikation: Übersichtsartikel in Current Opi...
Science citoyenn à Kiel - Nord de l'Allemagne


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