Streetsigns By Pexels

Citizen Science App & Survey

Join our community of citizen scientists!

What moves you in your daily life? How do you feel, think and act in your environment? How do your daily experience influence your well-being? Streetmind is part of a EU-HORIZON (environMENTAL) funded research project investigating the impact of major envrionemtnal challenges on our mental well-being. We are particular interested in how we all, as citizens, are impacted by climate, pollution, urbanicity, regional socioeconomic conditions, as well as the Covid19 pandemic. 

With citizens across Europe, you're asked to share your daily life experience in the Streetmind Survey and the Streetmind App

We invite everybody aged ≥ 18 years to take part in our project. 


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App Download

Download and install the free App on your Android device or on your iPhone via the App Stores linked below.

google playstore

apple store

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After the start of the App, you can register your own user account on the platform with just your eMail address.


Start observing! You are automatically logged-in after registering and you can add your first observation right away!

Access Informed Consent

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Streetmind Survey

In addition, you can fill out a survey on this website, which will ask you questions about different topics, such as urbanicity, feelings, personality or your attitude towards current affairs.


Click on the Button below to get to the English Version 

Access Survey

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App Downloads & Manual

Download the App of the project for Android or IOS now!
Below you can also find a short App Manual with an overview about the core features:

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Open App Manual