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Informed Consent

What is the purpose of this project?

There is a need to understand the impact of experiences in daily life, including those triggered by the environment, on the well-being of citizens. For this, it is important to hear the stories of citizens, how they experienced their day. You can take part in this citizen science research project because you are, like us, a person exposed to everyday environmental experiences. The purpose of this project is to learn more about how our environment is affecting people’s ways of life including short and long-term physical and social well-being. It is called a “citizen” science project because by using the app you contribute data to this project. The procedure of participation is easy: by simply creating new entries about your observations, surroundings and your emotions over the day and in relation to situations, you contribute to the project. While doing so, you can also answer short sets of social science and well-being-related questionnaires through this website and share your story. All questions are optional and you can freely choose what you want to contribute and when.

What are the risks and benefits of participation?

There are no known risks associated with participating in this project. You can always make a voluntary decision regarding your participation. This project will help us understand the social impact of environmental factors and ways to support citizens, and the information from this project may help to enhance or inform future interventions related to well-being that may bring positive impacts. Your personal benefit may be an increased sense of awareness, by contributing information about our environment and fighting the environmental crisis, you are helping to make a beneficial effect on society and for your own local community.

How is my data handled and used?

You have complete control over how much information you choose to share, and of what kind. All personal data is always transferred via SSL/TLS encryption and stored securely with industry standards on the AWS cloud (European servers). As part of downloading and using the app, you are consenting to your anonymized contributions being used for research. Approved University research partners will be analyzing data in the aggregate which will be analyzed for research and teaching only. At the point of export, the data are made anonymous by deleting the User ID. These aggregate data are then securely stored on encrypted servers. Only the investigators responsible for this study and the researchers supporting data analysis will have access to this information. Confidentiality will be maintained by using only study identification numbers and aliases (instead of people’s real personal data) in the database. The data collected from this project may be combined and published in aggregate with data from past and future studies conducted by the research team. No individual-level data will ever be reported by the research team. Any future use of the data is required to undergo review by a Research Ethics Board. Findings may be shared via conference presentations, on the project’s website, media reports and/or academic publications. 

Withdrawal of your data: You can delete all your personal data processed by the project at any time by simply deleting your account in the settings. Your personal data will then be automatically deleted from the project's research database at the next data update. We do not store any further information about you if you prefer to delete your account and we cannot recover your personal data. If you withdraw, all your account information will be permanently deleted. The data that is already acquired via the app will be kept but cannot be linked to your user account on Streetmind anymore if you choose to delete your account.

How long will my participation last?

This overall project is an EU Horizon-funded project, where along a time period of 4 weeks are obtained. You can end your participation, however, at any time simply by deleting your account in the app’s settings panel. You may be asked to participate in additional studies at a future date through the app.

Agreement to Participate: As part of downloading and registering as a user on the StreetMind app, you are agreeing to the above terms. In no way does this waive your legal rights nor release the investigators or involved institutions from their legal and professional responsibilities. If you would like to ask questions about this project or your participation, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please provide your consent to acknowledge that you are either 18 years of age or older and have read and agree to the above.

These terms of use are in effect in addition to the terms of use of the SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform for using the specified app. Please read them carefully.

You can withdraw from the study at any time. 

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